

We love to write

KISS in concert is a lifelong dream come true

I've always dreamt of seeing KISS live, so when my buddy called me up earlier this year, telling me that he had bought tickets to KISS in concert in Oslo, Norway, I was quick to book my flight.

I’ve been a huge KISS fan since I can remember. I’ve always dreamt of seeing the band live, so when my buddy called me up earlier this year, telling me that he had bought tickets to KISS in concert in Oslo, Norway, I was quick to book my flight to make this dream of mine Read more

Meet Must See in Iceland – our newest offspring

In late 2015, me and my wife got an idea. Like most Icelanders, we felt the increase in tourism in Iceland and wanted to dive into that world somehow. That's how Must See in Iceland was born.

In late 2015, me and my wife got an idea. Like most Icelanders, we felt the increase in tourism in Iceland and wanted to dive into that world somehow. That’s how Must See in Iceland was born. Our vision was to create a platform where Iceland bound travelers could find and book the best activities Read more

The perfect solution for the travel industry

Some days my head is so filled with ideas that I can hardly focus. Some are good, some are awesome and some, well, they belong just in my head.

But when I had been approached by numerous companies in the travel industry, all with the same problem, I decided to make something brilliant. You see, all these companies were having difficulty selling their various trips online on their own website. That’s a major problem I would say. Like trying to sell ice cream in Read more

Wow, that’s my president

We Icelanders elect our president next Saturday. Our current president has been in office since 1996. That’s the year Tupac was killed, people danced the Macarena like there was no tomorrow and Toni Braxton begged for some man to Unbreak her heart.

Nine people are running and I was torn between three of them; Andri Snær Magnason, an award winning writer and eager environmentalist, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, a witty historian and Halla Tómasdóttir, a business savvy entrepreneur. I wish I could merge them all together into one super candidate but I can’t. So I decided to see Read more

A tale of two teams

UEFA Euro 2016 is just around the corner which means I’ll be out of reach between the 10th of June to the 10th of July. Not really though - someone has to pay for all the meat on the barbecue and beer in the fridge. But I’ll watch every game I possibly can.

Until now this tournament has never been problematic for me. I lived in England for many years and that’s always been my team. Through thick and thin. Come rain or shine. Granted, there’s been a lot more rain pouring down on the English national football team recently but I never lose hope. One day their Read more

Gre for dummies

When I introduce myself as Gre I usually get asked questions about my name. What does it mean? Why Gre? My soon to be wife even went so far as to ask me what the hell was up with my name the first time I met her. But then she has never been one to hide her opinions.

The short version behind my name is that it’s comprised of my initials – G, R and E. But it was not my plan when I started in this web developing business many years ago to use my initials. I just wanted to be Gummi. Then I moved to Germany and started working as a Read more

A journey through the wonderland of baking

A while back my soon to be wife let me in on her dream. A dream that had been brewing within her for some time but she thought it was too lame and unimportant to do anything about. In short: she was massively insecure.

Her dream was to have her own baking blog. A blog strictly with cakes, pastries, chocolates and baked goods. So basically everything sweet. If it’s not loaded with sugar, carbs and craziness she won’t touch the stuff. She has some real baking principles this girl. And she wanted to have a blog centered around a Read more

They grow up so fast #feelingold

I had my first child when I was just a young man playing in a rock n roll band, with long hair and a chain going from my pierced ear to my pierced nose. Yeah, I was pretty cool back then.

I wasn’t at all prepared to have a kid at just 18 but when my little girl was born, who would later be named Agnes Eir, my whole world changed. I had this sudden feeling of responsibility and meaning and you could say that this tiny little human made me steer away from a slippery Read more

We’re reporting live from Gre’s proposal

If you’re looking for Mister Conventional then I’m definitely not your guy. I seem to thrive on taking the unexpected and sometimes quite difficult way through life.

I think I probably would have had a nervous breakdown by now if I didn’t have good people all around me that support me no matter what. Because, in all honesty, sometimes my ideas can be a bit crazy and out there to say the least. But that’s just who I am and even though Read more

While my guitar gently weeps

Ok, I must admit I’m not the biggest Beatles fan - I just thought this line would be a nice headline for this kick ass blog post about me and the fact that I’m making my own guitar. From scratch! That’s right! 

I’m not one to brag and boost but damn, I’m so proud of this beauty. I enrolled in a guitar making class and there was no doubt in my mind which guitar I wanted to make. A Telecaster. The guitar of my wet, chord dreams.  I started this class some two months ago and I Read more

New office in Reykjavík

You know the feeling when you step out of the shower with water filter and put on a crisp pair of socks, straight from the dryer on a cold winter night? It’s a beautiful thing. And that’s exactly how I felt when I got settled into my new office in Reykjavík this weekend; it has Read more

Here I go again on my own

I'm back to working as a freelancer after years of starting up companies in various places in Europe. Now I'm just Gre. I like being Gre and I'll freelance as long as that's what keeps me motivated.

I like being my own boss and expanding my knowledge of the web industry which is ever changing – a constant work in progress. The fact is that there is more to making a brand stand out on the internet now than there was ten years ago. Even just five years ago. Today your brand Read more

Trophy shelf

We Want It All

Must See in Iceland

  • Design Nominees’ Site of the Day
  • Special Kudos from CSS Design Awards
  • Awwwards’ Merit for Commendable Sites

Secret Solstice

  • Design Nominees’ Site of the Day
  • Special Kudos from CSS Design Awards
  • Awwwards’ Merit for Commendable Sites

Mekong Tourism

  • ITB Awards in the Responsible Tourism Website category
  • HSMAI Adrian Award for innovative website design
  • PATA Gold Award for best website

Telenor Sat

  • Two Transform Awards, gold and bronze

Daily Mail

  • 2012 Press Awards for Best website
  • Consumer Website 2011 – AOP Digital Publishing Awards

Over 20 awards and nominations for other awards, including the Icelandic Web Awards.

© 2024, Nían framkvæmdahús ehf.
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